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1. Organizers:
– Slovak Museum of Nature Protection and Speleology
– Slovak Speleological Society
– Slovak Caves Administration
– Town Liptovský Mikuláš

2. Participation is conditioned on respecting the contest rules.

3. Each author can send at most 5 photographs in one contest category.

4. Categories:
A. Cave Beauty – photos illustrating the beauties of cave spaces and peleothem details
B. Speleo-moment – reportage photos from speleological activities and expeditions

5. Participation is free of charge.

6. Photographs have to be sent in a digital form (a longer side min. 1,200 px, data capacity min. 1 MB, jpg. format) on e-mail address:

7. Photographs selected by a specialized jury and presented at an exhibition vernissage will be printed in a size 30 x 40 cm on organizer’s costs for exhibition purposes. Authors will send them in a digital form (a longer side min. 3,000 px, a file size till 5 MB, jpg. format). Photos sent on CD, negatives or diapositives will not be accepted.

8. Files have to be named in the following manner: category-author’s name-sequence number.jpg
(example: A-JOHN-1.jpg), and an entry form have to be added (… link). Names of photos must be in English language.

9. By infilling the entry forms participants confirm ownership of copyrights for photographs, and give assent to using them for presentation on the exhibition and organizer’s web side as well as media propagation concerning the exhibition. Exhibited photos will be stored in the organizer’s archive.

10. The jury will select 100 photographs that promote to another round. They will be exhibited at the vernissage in Liptovský Mikuláš

11. The jury:
-Robbie Shone, an adventure, cave and travel photographer,
-Jan Kućmierz, a cave photographer,
-Marek Audy, a cave and 3D photographer,
-Claudiu Szabó, EFIAP – nature and cave photographer –
-Pavol Kočiš, AFIAP, a cave photographer,

12. Deadline for sending the photos: September 20, 2014.
The jury will select the photos from September 20, 2014 till October 20, 2014.
Contest results will be announced at the exhibition vernissage, and they will be available on
The vernissage will be held in Liptovský Mikuláš, School Street 4, on November 21, 2014 at 15.00 p.m.

13. Organizers and jury members cannot participate in the exhibition as authors.

14. Awards:
Main Prize 200 € + material prizes
Awards in individual categories:
The 1st Prize 100 € + material prizes
The 2nd Prize 75 € + material prizes
The 3rd Prize 50 € + material prizes

15. The jury decision regarding awards cannot be changed.

16. Awards will be handed over by an organizer’s representative at the exhibition vernissage or sent by a post.

17. Organizers are not responsible for damages caused by breaking the exhibition rules from the side of participants.

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