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Photo of the day: Christian Roustan Transparency Speleofotografia 2022 #speleof @speleof

Photo: Christian Roustan Transparency
Speleofotografia 2022 #speleof @speleof
Most of the Speleofotografia participants belong among the world elite in caving. Their masterpieces are increasingly moving towards to reproduce the dynamics of speleological activities. All sort of difficulties of discovery and exploration of caves show to us, that caving belongs among the most demanding, but also challenging and stimulating human activities… read more
Autor: Christian Roustan #nature #caving #cave #adventure #speleology #nature #caves #speleo #underground #cavingadventure #explore #climbing #speleologie #caver #rockclimbing #espeleologia #petzl #cavephotography #hiking #speleologia #canyoning #photography #mountaineering #speleoworld #petzlgram by @speleof

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