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Photo of the day 26-03-2021 – Lyagushkin_Shower

Speleofotografia 2020
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Most of the Speleofotografia participants belong among the world elite in caving. Their masterpieces are increasingly moving towards to reproduce the dynamics of speleological activities. All sort of difficulties of discovery and exploration of caves show to us, that caving belongs among the most demanding, but also challenging and stimulating human activities. In addition to theme of abseiling of pits, overcoming of the underground rivers and lakes, or crawling narrow squeezings, the sense of beauty in detail is expressing too. Through the theme of static cave decorations – clusters of crystals, cave pearls, dripstone formations, shiny castles of ice… What surprises are still waiting in cave? The fact that the underground environment is full of unexpected wonders, will convinced you also this-year TOP 100 selection of the best photos of talented photographers participating on Speleofotografia 2020. Here it is! Have a nice experience browsing trough!

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